
This online portfolio contains all examples of my written work and experience I have within the industry. 

My Most Recent Work

Section Editor Experience

My role at Cardiff University's Quench Magazine as section editor has given me invaluable experience working within a publication and working in a team to publish both printed and online articles. As well as opportunities to contribute with my own writing, I also get to read and edit many submissions by our contributors - which has been a fantastic, hands-on experience. 

My role as fashion section editor includes regular pitch meetings with my co-editor and editor-in-chief to create ideas to pitch to our contributors, word counts, abstracts, and deadlines. We then post these pitches and liase with our contributing team over who wants to take which article. Once the deadline approaches, I then read and edit all of our submissions and create a timeline for posting our online articles and submit any print articles for approval by our EIC. 

In addition to my role as section editor, I also manage our social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook. Myself and my co-editor regularly post updates about online pitches and articles and create graphics to post. 

Examples of my work are below, showing my experience with creative direction and software. 

Social Media Management - Quench

All of these graphics were designed by myself for the Quench Fashion social media accounts

Voir Magazine Internship

I have been lucky enough to undertake a 3-month remote internship at Voir Magazine between June and September 2024. I worked part-time for this internship, with 3 days a week at the magazine. Voir is a luxury market, female-based magazine that focuses on fashion, beauty, and culture. My experience at this magazine has been invaluable, with editor-in-chief Jyoti guiding me through working with press releases, analysing and transcribing interviews, and looking at market trends and collating products for readers to buy and chose from. As well as this, I was looking at trend forecasts and runway shows, with my internship lucky enough to run through many fashion weeks and the premiere of Vogue World: Paris, which I got to look at in great detail. 

I feel this experience has improved my article writing greatly, with a much wider knowledge of both the fashion industry and the inner mechanisms of a fashion magazine, as well as allowing me to expand my portfolio and skillset in writing. I feel very honoured to have been allowed to be part of the Voir Magazine team, and am very grateful for the experiences it has attributed to me. Thank you Voir!

Contact Me

My inbox is always open, you can contact me with the contact form here or with the details below:

Email: hello@myname.com

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